Track of "Hai Yang Shi You 278", September 7, 2014 (Map courtesy of Google Maps) |
As expected, the Dockwise semi-submersible heavy-lift vessel
"Hai Yang Shi You 278" arrived in the vicinity of the Zvezda Far East Shipyard today with Oscar II-class nuclear-powered submarine "Chelyabinsk" on board. The trip from the Kamchatka Peninsula, through the Sea of Okhotsk, La Perouse Strait, and Sea of Japan took seven days. The ship traveled the nearly 1460nm in 166 hours, which equates to an average speed of 8.8 knots (there were a few times it traveled in excess of 13 knots). It arrived at its current position (about 4nm west of the shipyard) during the 0700 GMT hour (1800 local time) -- four hours ahead of its earlier estimated time of arrival -- and has remained there ever since.
For earlier reporting:
Why is the Netherlands Helping the Russian Navy Right Now? (August 14, 2014)
Nuke Boats Loaded on Heavy-Lift Vessels (August 28, 2014)
"Transshelf" Departs Russia With Nuke Boats (August 31, 2014)
"HYSY 278" Departs Russia With Oscar II SSGN (September 3, 2014)
Status of Russian Navy Nuke Boat Transfers (September 5, 2014)